
当地时间4月18日下午,联合国安理会就接纳巴勒斯坦成为联合国正式会员国进行表决。由于美国作为安理会常任理事国反对,该决议草案被一票否决。此次投票中,12票赞成,英国、瑞士2票弃权,美国1票反对。The United States on Thursday voted against a Palestinian request for full UN membership at the Security Council. The 15-member council voted on a draft...

当地时间4月18日下午,联合国安理会就接纳巴勒斯坦成为联合国正式会员国进行表决。由于美国作为安理会常任理事国反对,该决议草案被一票否决。此次投票中,12票赞成,英国、瑞士2票弃权,美国1票反对。The United States on Thursday voted against a Palestinian request for full UN membership at the Security Council. The 15-member council voted on a draft resolution that recommends to the 193-member UN General Assembly that "the State of Palestine be admitted to membership of the United Nations." The draft resolution received 12 votes in favor, two abstentions, and one vote against.美国代表举手投出反对票。图源:新华社4月2日,巴勒斯坦常驻联合国观察员致函联合国秘书长古特雷斯,要求重新审议巴勒斯坦2011年提出的成为联合国正式会员国的申请。古特雷斯3日将此函转呈安理会。安理会8日举行了一次简短会议,全数同意开始审议这一问题。在经过数轮讨论后,安理会接纳新会员国委员会提交报告,称目前安理会成员并未就巴勒斯坦入联一事达成一致。阿尔及利亚随后提交决议草案,要求就巴勒斯坦入联一事进行表决。The Palestinian mission to the United Nations initially requested full UN member state status in 2011. Their first attempt failed because they did not receive the necessary minimum support of nine out of the 15 members of the Security Council. Earlier this month, Palestine's renewed request for full member state status at the United Nations was evaluated by the UN Committee on the Admission of New Members. This revival of their membership bid in early April was supported by the 140 countries that recognize Palestine as an independent state.根据《联合国宪章》,联合国接纳新会员国,需经安理会推荐,由联合国大会作出决定。由于接纳新会员国为实质性议题,安理会的决定需要至少9个安理会成员同意且未遭常任理事国否决。联大表决则需要会员国三分之二多数同意。A council resolution needs at least nine votes in favor and no vetoes by the United States, Britain, France, Russia or China to pass. The United States was compelled to use its veto power after the draft secured 12 votes in favor. veto /ˈviːtəʊ/:否决中方:对美国的决定感到十分失望中国常驻联合国代表傅聪在表决后做解释性发言时表示,今天是令人悲伤的一天,由于美国的否决,巴勒斯坦成为联合国正式会员国的申请遭到拒绝,巴勒斯坦人民几十年的梦想被无情击碎。中方对美国的决定感到十分失望。China's ambassador to the United Nations on Thursday said China "is very disappointed" with the United States' veto of a Palestinian request for full UN membership in the UN Security Council. "Today is a sad day," said Fu Cong, China's permanent representative to the United Nations. "Due to the veto of the United States, Palestine's application to become a full member of the United Nations was rejected, and the Palestinian people's decades-long dream was shattered. "The establishment of an independent state has been the long-cherished wish of the Palestinian people for generations, and formally joining the UN is a key step in this historical process," Fu said.以下是傅聪 大使在安理会表决接纳巴勒斯坦为联合国正式会员国决议草案后 的 解释性发言。主席:今天是令人悲伤的一天。由于美国的否决,巴勒斯坦成为联合国正式会员国的申请遭到拒绝,巴勒斯坦人民几十年的梦想被无情击碎。中方对美国的决定感到十分失望。独立建国是巴勒斯坦人民几代人的夙愿,正式加入联合国则是这一历史进程关键一步。早在2011年,巴勒斯坦就提出了申请,由于个别国家的反对,安理会当时的行动被搁置。13年已经够久,可相关国家还在抱怨时间不够、不该急于行动。这种说法是不真诚的。当前与以往任何时候相比,接纳巴勒斯坦成为联合国正式会员国都更具紧迫性。"Thirteen years is long enough, but relevant countries are still complaining that there is not enough time and they should not act in a hurry. Such a statement is disingenuous. Now more than ever, it is more urgent than ever to admit Palestine into full membership of the United Nations," said Fu.有关国家不支持巴勒斯坦成为联合国正式会员国,声称理由是巴勒斯坦国不具备治理国家的能力,我们对此不能同意。过去13年里巴勒斯坦局势发生许多变化,其中最根本的是约旦河西岸定居点不断扩张,巴勒斯坦作为国家的生存空间不断被挤压,“两国方案”的基础不断被侵蚀。有关国家对此视而不见,采取默许甚至纵容的态度,现在又反过来质疑巴勒斯坦不具备执政能力,这完全是混淆是非的强盗逻辑。He said China "cannot agree with" the statement that "the Palestinian state does not have the ability to govern the country". "The situation in Palestine has undergone many changes in the past 13 years, the most fundamental of which is the continuous expansion of settlements in the West Bank. The living space of Palestine as a country has been continuously squeezed, and the foundation of the two-state solution has been continuously eroded," he said. "Relevant countries turned a blind eye to this, adopted an attitude of acquiescence or even connivance, and now they are questioning Palestine's ability to govern. This is completely gangster logic that confuses right and wrong," Fu said.更令人不可接受的是,有关国家还质疑巴勒斯坦是否符合联合国宪章规定的会员国资格,暗示巴勒斯坦是否“爱好和平”还是个问题。这样的指控未免太过分,对于饱受被占领之苦的巴勒斯坦人民来说,不啻于在伤口上撒盐,是极大的侮辱。如果出于政治算计不支持巴勒斯坦成为联合国正式会员国,不妨大方地说出来,而不必找借口对巴勒斯坦人民进行二次伤害。He said questioning whether Palestine meets the membership criteria stipulated in the United Nations Charter, and whether Palestine is "peace-loving", is "too much". "For the Palestinian people who have suffered from occupation, they are nothing short of rubbing salt into the wounds and are a great insult," Fu said. "The establishment of an independent state is the indisputable national right of the Palestinian people, not subject to questioning or bargaining," he added.主席,独立建国是巴勒斯坦人民不可剥夺的民族权利,不容置疑、不容交易。有关国家将巴以直接谈判作为前提,声称巴勒斯坦加入联合国只能是谈判得到的结果,这是本末倒置。在以色列方面越来越明确拒绝“两国方案”的情况下,由联合国接纳巴勒斯坦国成为正式会员国,可以让巴勒斯坦享有同以色列平等的地位,将有助于为恢复巴以谈判创造条件。所有真心支持“两国方案”的国家,都不应该反对巴勒斯坦正式加入联合国。He said as Israel continues to reject two-state solution, granting Palestine full UN membership "will afford it equal standing with Israel and facilitate the resumption of Palestinian-Israeli negotiations". "All nations genuinely supportive of the two-state solution should endorse Palestine's formal UN membership," he said.主席,历史车轮滚滚向前,时代大势不容抗拒。我们相信,总有一天巴勒斯坦国将在联合国享有同其他所有会员国同等的权利,巴勒斯坦和以色列作为两个国家可以比邻而居、和平共处,巴勒斯坦人民和以色列人民都过上安宁、幸福的生活。为了这一天早日到来,中方将继续作出不懈努力,发挥建设性作用。谢谢主席。来源:新华社 中国日报网 央视新闻客户端 中国常驻联合国代表团网站
